Monday, June 1, 2009

Where Have All the Moms Gone?

As a young child, the American family was rather traditional. Most fathers worked while the mother stayed home. Entering in to high school years, the corporate woman evolved, entering the work force, making their way to the top like never seen before. Some of the dads even stayed home as the mother gave up the apron strings for the corner office in the Manhattan
high rise. Movies like "Mr. Mom" and "Mrs. Doubtfire" hit the silver screens. Through the college years and a few that followed, both mom and dad went to work, and children made a
mass transition into day care. As the time came to become a mother, the "Green Movement" gained momentum, bringing back a more natural, traditional, intending to be simpler lifestyle that had many moms back at home and dad bringing home the organic, free-range and hormone-free bacon.
Next comes 2008 and the economy is sent into a tailspin. Through the 2008 year, and 2009 so far, the momentum picks up. The non-working mom finds herself alone in the world of stay-at-home-mothers. As a side note, truthfully, "non-working" is a fallacy. Unfortunately, there are just too few words to describe the genre, despite being invaluable. The Stay-At-Home Mom is baking more cupcakes for their childrens schools, finding herself on more school and Church committees and having a harder time keeping up with the laundry. The reason becomes increasingly clear, the moms are gone. But where did they go? They went to Kohl’s, they are commuting to a City job, they are working beside their husband as they struggle to keep the family business afloat.
It has become necessary, perhaps even lacking, an overall desire to go back to work. Some have adjusted well, as kids are grown enough, more independent in school, thankful to help make ends meet at home. Other returning moms, showing it in their eyes, are a bit resentful. None of their domestic or parental duties have been relieved and now a 30 hour work week has been added to their calendar. Their energy is depleting, resentment building. Don’t be mistaken, it would be wrong to think one case of resentment is towards the husband or the family. Rather, it is resentment that this country is in the shape that it is in. We are at a point now where we are in good understanding of how it happened. The jury is still out if the nation is doing what it needs to in order to start emerging from the raging waters that almost drowned us. One thing that can be banked on for sure, moms will have to keep working and send the cupcakes in, too.

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